Principals Proscribed
Not content with pushing gender ideology in the Health curriculum, the Ministry of Education is now dictating that only those who “uphold the rights of gender and sexual identities” should be eligible for principalships. This new maxim was added to the list of criteria after consultation with the sector had ended.
We remind readers that the “rights” of gender identities include forcing everyone else to agree that a person has literally changed sex, and allowing children to freely go into opposite sex changing rooms and dormitories with all the attendant safeguarding risks for both boys and girls.
InsideOUT training for schools
Further evidence of the MOE outsourcing its Relationships and Sexuality Education curriculum to the lobby group InsideOUT is contained in this internal Briefing Note.
InsideOUT resources, paid for by the MOE, while purporting to support the whole rainbow community, hardly mention lesbians and gays, and focus mainly on the demands of transgender people to be able to choose their pronouns, toilets, and sports teams, without considering the impacts on others.
The following is a letter sent this week by a very concerned mother to the education spokespeople of the main parties. We could not have said it better ourselves.
I just wanted to bring to your attention to this note [above] regarding MoE and InsideOUT. In it is clear evidence of the employment of gender activists and the resultant dogmatic imposition of their values on public education.
Gender ideology is a belief system akin to a religious belief. It includes the belief that biological sex can change (it can’t) and is associated with medical sterilisation of gender nonconforming youth who are taught they are in the wrong body.
This is an ideology that brings with it serious health and safety dangers, particularly children being told they are in the wrong body. Spotlight Australia recently published a documentary about children being harmed by gender ideology and medical care, free to view in full here:
Our education system is meant to be secular and reflect a diverse multicultural society, without pushing religious or ideological beliefs on children. Ministry departments should not be adopting and teaching dogmatic moral positions that is at odds with many diverse parental beliefs within public schools.
The right of parents to choose their child’s education is not abrogated when we delegate our child’s education to the public system.
To disagree with transgenderism is not hatred, many of us disagree with each other on different topics and still maintain civility and respect for others’ position. I strongly object to the treatment of “anti-trans” sentiment as being hatred or bullying, as that is a vilification of genuine and peaceful difference of belief.
This issue stretches beyond the sexuality RSE curriculum only and is being currently ingrained with the adoption of preferred pronoun usage in schools as part of the “Inclusive Education” policy. This is a major safeguarding issue as it confuses all children about the nature of biological sex (which is not changeable) and trains girls to ignore their intuition about whether a male is present. Social transitioning is a psychotherapeutic technique that other children should not be participating in and though it may be suitable for adults, is not suitable for children.
You can read more from this UK based article:
There are also freedom of thought issues.
I bring to your attention a recent letter from the Free Speech Union wherein a school has indicated that it would discipline children for not using preferred pronouns. It is the position of the Union and myself that such action will result in compelled speech for those children and compromise the rights of both them and their families. See
Our children do not need to be indoctrinated to about the nature of biological sex in a manner that is contrary to science, nor have their human right to freedom of thought lost by being forced to call males, female. This is totalitarian and unacceptable in a liberal democracy such as New Zealand.
Please push back on the overreach of gender activists on the minds of our children.
Whoever is the next Minister of Education, urgent questions need to be asked about why a pressure group, whose members have no medical or psychotherapeutic qualifications, has been given open access to promote its unscientific dogma in our schools.
RSE Curriculum Refresh
This is scheduled for 2024. The MOE says, “During this refresh, the Ministry will be undertaking wide consultation with other government agencies, health and physical education experts, universities, non-government organisations, teachers, and young people, including Rainbow young people, to ensure a range of voices are heard.”
A glaring ommission from this proposed consultation is the voice of parents.
Despite receiving an increase in public correspondence criticising the RSE curriculum, the MOE maintains that it is confident that “the evidence base and legislative context present a robust rationale for the Rainbow Work Programme and Rainbow inclusion measures in schools.”
Parents, please consider it your mission to keep writing to the Ministry to refute its “evidence base” and contradict its “robust rationale”!
Children’s Privacy
The Office of the Privacy Commissioner has launched a children and young people’s privacy project to consider whether the current practices protecting children’s privacy rights are working.
The MOE currently recommends that schools should keep a young person’s social transition a secret from their parents if that is the student’s request.
Submissions from professionals who work with children are now being sought (the deadline is 30 November), with input from children and parents to be requested in 2024.
The Privacy Commissioner states, “We are looking to hear about what it’s like to use the current privacy rules and regulations in your work, and/or what your concerns are about the current setup.” Feedback can be made via this survey.
There is also a workshop facilitation pack, a full privacy policy, and various methods for providing a submision listed here.
Thank you for this thorough information. The Privacy Act is being weaponised against parents by schools. It has happened to me. It's got to stop, it is destroying families and lives.
It's getting to be a disturbing habit for previously undisclosed decrees and dictates to be inserted into policy and/or documents after consultation periods have closed. Of course, I could be wrong in that it's always been done, but we are more aware of it now.