it's very difficult to even raise the trans topic here in new zealand. people are scared and submissive since the lockdowns. any expression of possible 'wrong thinking' makes most people flinch and turn away lest they be tainted by association.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Resist Gender Education

Thank you for the wonderful work you are doing to inform NZ about this growing problem. At the moment, I suspect that the vast majority of the citizenry is blissfully unaware of the situation here or thinks it's some sort of fad that doesn't affect many people and will soon blow over. Which is of course, just following the playbook of the trans lobby, which knows that most sane people don't agree that mammals can change sex (or any of the other crap they tout), so uses stealth and secrecy to implement changes into laws, which are then difficult to reverse.

"Be kind" starts with accommodating the use of incorrect pronouns and ends with men watching girls getting undressed in the "women's only" section of the changing rooms at the local pool. It also includes deliberately lying to children and facilitating their harm which sentences them to becoming unwell patients for life (which here, we are all paying for).

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