Neo-Emancipatory Sex Education in Germany: Sexual Abuse and Gender Confusion


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Great work and thank you to everyone who contributed to this comprehensive statement. It boggles my mind that some of the same parents who pulled their children out of the religious instruction period are oh so happy that their kids are being indoctrinated into gender woo and not just for an hour a week, but for the entire school day. These same parents would probably be up in arms if creationism replaced the science curriculum, but somehow teaching children that mammals can change sex is acceptable. Lying to children on this sort of scale is unconscionable: https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/the-alternative-universe-offered

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Thank you for doing this. We must all strive to protect our precious children from the warped minds of indoctrinated gender-twisting nutters. In times past such people would have been institutionalised for child abuse.

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thank you for your work. this stuff saves lives.

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Great article. Very easy to follow. Here's hoping the new Government will listen to the common sense views expressed which polls show are shared by the vast majority of kiwis. Brava.

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Thank you. I really appreciate the plain language you use. I understand it. I reckon it is important to say "intrinsic gender identity" or "internal gender identity" when you refer to gender identity not existing.

Great work.

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Innate is the one I see most often.

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Are we to understand from your last two paragraphs that the government listened to your well-articulated concerns and responded as you hoped it would? That seems to be the only possible interpretation, but for this American at least, it sounds like utopian fantasy of the most implausible kind. Can it really be??

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😂 Still waiting for an appointment with the Minister.

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