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New Zealand is being controlled by someone who does not have children's best interests at heart. They are pushing the UN agenda which is ultimately going to be defunct in 6-12 months and NZ is always 12 months behind. It seems we are hell bent on creating mental illness, for this is what it will result in long term.

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For me, one of the worst aspects of gender ideology as it is presented in the current RSE program is that it is woven into the very fabric of the entire curriculum. There really is no distinct class time or lesson that you can pull your child out of and be confident that this will lessen their exposure to this insidious and dangerous belief system. Back in the olden days, when my children were in the school system, you could pull them out of the one hour/fortnight of "religious education" if you wanted to and not worry that the teacher was proselytising for the remainder of the school day. Now, there are no safe zones that can be counted on to be reality based; there are no glitter unicorn free spaces in the school day left.

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Embedding RSE in the whole curriculum is clearly the MOE recommendation although some parents have been successful in persuading schools to keep RSE topics in distinct classes.

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