Thanks. Great bit of satire though the real thing is even more bonkers!

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Appalling as this is, it is far from unique. Breastfeeding support groups in NZ are required to "serve everyone" who wants to put a baby to their breast (or "chest"). This reduces babies to mere props in the service of gender ideology, which is considered to be more important than biology, physiology or maternal or infant health.

And yes, the reduction of the rainbow "community" to only the TQ bit is just plain wrong. Excluding lesbians from Pride events reinforces who is really being served here. As this becomes more and more obvious (which would be one result of these policies being implemented), the public backlash will grow in a similar matter to what happened after Albert Park. There is a reason the trans lobby only works by stealth - they know that Joe and Jane Public will never board the Gender Woo Express, so much like those men putting on women's sporting uniforms, they just carry on cheating their way to victory.

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I wonder if gay men are being harassed for refusing to accept trans-men? I haven't researched this point yet, but it must surely go both ways?

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Yup, gay men like real penises, not the stitched-on variety or none at all.

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Yes it does. Gays against Groomers is one site to view. Also look at Andrew Doyle's YouTube channel.

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The GAG website looks reasonable enough, but I see there are a lot of reports from various sources that GAG's activities are right-wing extremist at best, and downright illegal at worst. https://abc7ny.com/nyc-ny-councilmember-vandalism-erik-boettcher-drag-queen-story-hour/12591944/

I wonder if they are doing more harm than good!

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