Mar 4Liked by Resist Gender Education

Are you based in NZ? I’m in Australia. Things are next level insane in some schools here, and almost everyone around is ideologically captured to some extent, with the TRA prescribed narrative that “trans” people are the most fragile victims in the universe, and that to “misgender” them is equivalent to a “hate crime” or bullying. For instance my neighbour (boomer, retired acadaemic) has just sent me an outraged email accusing me of being a bigot for my views about children, women and LGB people’s rights being eroded by TRA’s. They have these views because people like that never read any media other than what they perceive to be left- ABC, Guardian etc. What really urgently needs to be addressed, is the ideological capture of public media. This has been raised repeatedly eg on Media Watch - but is always dismissed by the ABC Ombudsman Fiona Cameron.

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Yes we are in NZ. And , yes, we fully agree with your comments.

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Mar 3Liked by Resist Gender Education

Wonderful work. Esp on the delayed understanding, fascinating and helpful. Thank you!!

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